Cochren & Co. - Young Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Young
  • Album: Don't Lose Hope
  • Artist: Cochren & Co.
  • Released On: 22 Jan 2021
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Cochren & Co. Young

Young Lyrics

When I was young
I was wide eyed and unafraid
Small world, such big faith
I knew that You could do anything
When I was young
Before the tears came down
Before the pain brought doubt
Just knowing You was enough for me

It was simple
It was honest
Help me remember
What I've forgotten

I want to run to You
Like a child to his father
When it all was new
And my heart was full of wonder
Give me a child-like faith
A joy that takes me back to my first love
Just like when I was young

When I was young
I believed that you were always there
And you heard every single prayer
There was more trust and less worry

It was simple
It was honest
Help me remember
What I've forgotten

I want to run to You
Like a child to his father
When it all was new
And my heart was full of wonder
Give me a child-like faith
A joy that takes me back to my first love
Just like when I was young

Years go by so fast
But you never change
Your love still brings me back

I want to run to You

I want to run to You
Like a child to his father
When it all was new
And my heart was full of wonder
Give me a child-like faith
A joy that takes me back to my first love
Just like when I was young

When I was young
When I was young

Young Video

Young Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Young by Cochren & Co: A Reflection on Childlike Faith

We will explore the main key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and critically examine its biblical relevance. "Young" is a powerful anthem that reflects on the beauty of childlike faith and the desire to return to that innocent and unwavering trust in God.

Verse 1: When I was young
The song begins with the line, "When I was young," immediately setting the nostalgic tone of the lyrics. This line captures a sense of innocence and naivety, harking back to a time when the world seemed simple and faith came effortlessly. It represents a time when the speaker's faith was untainted by doubt or pain.

Verse 2: It was simple, It was honest
The following lines, "Before the tears came down, Before the pain brought doubt," further emphasize the purity and simplicity of the faith the speaker experienced in their youth. These lines suggest that as time went on, life's challenges and hardships caused the speaker to question and doubt their faith. The contrast between the simplicity of their faith in the past and the complexity of their faith in the present is highlighted.

Chorus: I want to run to You, Like a child to his father
The chorus of the song expresses the speaker's longing to return to that childlike faith and trust in God. They desire to run to God with the same innocence and complete reliance that a child has when seeking solace and comfort from their father. This line evokes a sense of vulnerability and dependency on God, acknowledging that He is the ultimate source of strength and guidance.

Verse 3: Years go by so fast, But you never change
In this verse, the passage of time is acknowledged, with the lyrics "Years go by so fast." However, despite the passing of time, the speaker asserts that God remains constant and unchanging. This line serves as a reminder that regardless of the circumstances, God's love and faithfulness endure.

Bridge: Give me a child-like faith, A joy that takes me back to my first love
The bridge of the song encapsulates the main message and plea of the lyrics. The speaker longs for a childlike faith, a faith that is unwavering, full of joy, and free from doubt. They desire a faith that brings them back to their first love, referring to the initial encounter and experience of God's love and grace. It is a call to rediscover the wonder and awe of their early faith.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Young" by Cochren & Co. is a reflection on the journey of faith and the desire to return to a childlike trust in God. It conveys the yearning for a faith that is simple, honest, and free from doubt. The lyrics depict the speaker's longing to recapture the innocence and unwavering belief they once had in their youth.

The inspiration behind the song could be personal experiences of the songwriter or a desire to encourage listeners to embrace a childlike faith. It serves as a reminder that despite the challenges and complexities of life, God remains constant and faithful. The song encourages listeners to approach God with vulnerability, dependency, and a sense of wonder, just as a child approaches their loving father.

Biblical Analysis:
To critically analyze the biblical relevance of the song "Young," we can look at various scriptures that highlight the importance of childlike faith.

1. Matthew 18:2-4 - "And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'"

This scripture emphasizes the necessity of having a childlike faith to enter the kingdom of heaven. It emphasizes humility, trust, and dependence on God as essential qualities for believers.

2. Mark 10:14-15 - "But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, 'Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.'"

In this passage, Jesus encourages His disciples to allow children to approach Him and teaches them that receiving the kingdom of God requires childlike faith. It emphasizes the need for innocence, trust, and simplicity in our relationship with God.

3. Luke 18:16-17 - "But Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.'"

Similar to the previous scripture, this passage reiterates Jesus' invitation for children to come to Him and highlights the importance of childlike faith in receiving the kingdom of God.

The song "Young" aligns with these biblical teachings by recognizing the significance of childlike faith and the need to approach God with humility, trust, and simplicity. It echoes the biblical principle that a childlike faith is essential for believers to enter and receive the kingdom of God.

The song "Young" by Cochren & Co. beautifully captures the longing to return to a childlike faith and trust in God. It reflects on the simplicity, honesty, and unwavering belief that the speaker experienced in their youth. The lyrics express a desire to run to God with vulnerability and complete reliance, seeking solace and comfort like a child seeks their father.

The song's meaning and inspiration revolve around the journey of faith and the yearning to recapture the innocence and wonder of a childlike faith. It encourages listeners to approach God with humility, trust, and a sense of awe, acknowledging His faithfulness and constant presence.

From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of having a childlike faith to enter the kingdom of God. It echoes the biblical principle that a childlike faith is characterized by humility, trust, and simplicity.

In conclusion, "Young" by Cochren & Co. serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and significance of childlike faith. It encourages believers to embrace a faith that is pure, unwavering, and free from doubt, ultimately drawing them closer to God.

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